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  • Odense, Syddanmark, 5260
  • Denmark
  • Tel:+45 63 12 90 00
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PAR SCIENTIFIC A/S is a provider of products and services such as biopsy capsules,washing and disinfection equipment for dental instruments,recorders, physiological laboratory,urological packs, sterilised,urinometers,medical and surgical optics - instruments,fluorometers, immunology,polarimeters, medical,colorimeters, medical,saccharometers, medical,blood sampling apparatus, vacuum,haemoglobinometers,automatic blood sedimentation rate analysers, haematology,leucocytometers,thrombo-opacimeters, coagulometers,oximeters,blood platelet aggregometers,cytofluorimeters,blood cell counters (haemocytometers),blood type identification equipment, medical laboratory,blood cell processing equipment,retractors, orthodontic,cleaning equipment, dental, ultrasonic,dental amalgam preparation equipment,filling materials, dental,rna/dna calculators,micrographic and macrographic apparatus and equipment, medical laboratory,sample dyeing apparatus for medical laboratories,driers for medical laboratories,laboratory equipment, anthropometry,in vitro fertilisation equipment, medical laboratory,enzymatic analysers, automatic, for medical laboratories,melting equipment, electric, dental laboratory,breath analysers,breath test equipment accessories,body fluid analysers,chromosome analysers, computerised,dust cloud generators, medical research,ureometers, albuminometers,histological test equipment,metering equipment, rh values,medical and surgical instruments.

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